OADG Membership Benefits

OADG Membership Money - Where Does It Go?

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Typical OADG Budget

*Annual budget is breakeven based on current year membership dollars. Typical years have only small profit/loss.

OADG Membership Benefits and Services:

  • Local show sponsorship with prizes and organizer support.
  • Trophies, Awards and Banquet. The OADG Awards Program is open to all members competing at ESD, Silver and Gold/FEI shows in and outside the Ottawa area. Over 100 trophies and special awards are presented at the fall Annual Awards Banquet.
  • Newsletter. The OADG newsletter is published by email several times a year and contains information such as show schedules, upcoming events and clinics, advisories about rules and regulations, tips and stories from contributors and links to our website classified section. Archived newsletters are published on the website after the current newsletter is distributed to OADG members. Click here to view archived newsletters.
  • Newsbriefs. OADG newsbriefs containing important new information or timely reminders are sent by email.
  • Web Site and Facebook page. The OADG website and Facebook page are managed by a volunteer webmaster. The website contains general information, show listings, awards criteria & forms, upcoming events & clinics, classified section, membership forms and a stable listing. The Facebook page is open to all to “Like” it and receive useful alerts and topical information.
  • FREE Classified Ads for OADG members in the Newsletter and on the Web Site.
  • Clinics, Tutorials and Demonstrations. Organized by the OADG Board for the interest of members. Discounts will be applied for current year members.