Ottawa Area Dressage Group
The Ottawa Area Dressage Group (OADG) is a regional, non-registered not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging interest and participation in the sport of Dressage in the Ottawa area and its surrounding communities. It is managed on a volunteer basis by a Board of Directors elected annually by the membership.
The OADG is a chapter of CADORA (Canadian Dressage Owners and Riders Association) Ontario.
The Ottawa Area Dressage Group was formed in 1968 by:
- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Linkletter
- Ms. Louise Barnes
- Mr. Ted Leggett and
- Mr. Tom Moore (Col. T.A.G. Moore)
OADG Activities
The OADG fulfils its Mission through enabling a community of sharing, learning and participation amongst members, local stables and local expert coaches, trainers and officials. The following list of Activities is undertaken:
- Competition Coordination: local area sanctioned shows, including donating prizes at local shows
- Competition listings: local & others in regional Ontario and Quebec
- Year End Banquet
- Awards & Trophies
- Education Coordination: Clinics & Lectures
- Website
- Newsletters & Important Updates
- Promotion & Sponsors
OADG Administration
The OADG must meet a minimum of 4 times throughout the year, as listed on the Events page. OADG Membership and Director Meetings are open to ALL OADG members. Please feel free to attend the meetings. The meeting agenda may be obtained from the OADG President
prior to the meeting date.
OADG By Laws and Policies
The OADG objectives are described in the OADG By Laws.
Motion to the OADG Board of Directors
Any OADG member may bring forward a motion to the OADG Board of Directors. View details on the Motions page.